Dungeon Generator

For my final year project at university I have made a dungeon generator for DnD 5e based on previous work in this areaIf you want to use it then click on the download link and place all the files in a directory on your PC (currently only works for Windows)
(More detailed instructions are available in the README and on the instructions page)
I would appreciate feedback from anyone who is willing to play a session with the dungeon (both DM and players) as well as general feedback from people who know DnD just looking at the generator and functionalityIf you are wanting to talk about the generator/ would be willing to organise a session I could listen in to/ have found any interesting bugs feel free to message me or leave a message in the discord server linked


This generator will build a dungeon, tailored to the number of players, and their experience level to last approximately one in game days worth of combat (e.g. you should be able to complete without long resting)The monsters are chosen from the monsters.csv spreadsheet that comes with the generator and will be weighted according to the desired tags selected


To edit tags/add homebrew monsters:
- Open monsters.csv in a spreadsheet editor (or a text editor if you are feeling brave)
- Add SINGLE WORD tags, separated by spaces to the 4th column (labelled tags)
- If you want to add new monsters then add them as a new row
if you do not fill out all columns then the generator might react weirdly
- The generator will automatically add all monster types into the tag list

** Using the Generator **

To use the Generator:Place DungeonGenerator.exe and monsters.csv in a directory that is NOT the downloads folder (or be prepared to fight your anti-virus)Run DungeonGenerator.exeIn the GUI enter the number of players and press update
You can then press the up/down arrows to select the player level (I'm sorry)
In the Tag section you can look through all the tags and select tags that:
- all monsters in the dungeon must have
- make it more likely for monsters to appear in your dungeon
- will never be on a monster in the dungeon
Press "Update Tags" to confirm the tags you have selected
If you have already generated a dungeon you can update tags and re-roll individual fights with the new tag settings
If you edit the monster.csv file whiles the generator is open then you can press "Refresh Tag List" and it will
pick up any new tags you added
You can tick or untick the side boss option and the generator will add an optional path to a hard fight if side boss is tickedSide boss and Player number/level options will not update once you have generated a dungeon
If you want to change these settings you will have to generate a new dungeon
To run the generation press "Generate"
This will create an image of the dungeon layout with the DM info layered over it (eg the room numbers)
It will also display the individual fights generated with re-roll options for each fight so you can re-roll any fights
The Deadly fight (1) will be the final boss fight
The Easy Fight (0) will be the first fight in the dungeon
The Hard Fight (if it exists) (2) will be the side boss
It will also generate the "Dungeon Summary" which is a text summary of all the rooms and what can be found in them
Once you are happy with the dungeon and the fights in it then you can hit "Export" and it will give you:
- A blank version of the map for the players
- A version of the map with the DM info
- A transparent overlay of the DM information
- A text file containing the dungeon summary
You may want to adjust the levels of loot collected for your players (or give them some health potions if they are struggling)
or fudge the level numbers if your players are particularly irritating!